Thursday, April 9, 2020

Warthog Mini Design Exersize - FZ Design YouTube

I should really not expect myself to make a series out of this blog... Anyways, these are some drawings i did inspired by FZ Design school's YouTube channel. The 'Beasts of Burden' that they drew were just really cool, so i had to try the process myself.

I would say that my lines need to be loosened up for this type of design sketching, gives more of an interesting line to the drawings as shown on their site.

Otherwise, i'm quite happy with my drawings ^.^

Friday, March 20, 2020

Alliance Francaise - Graphic design internship mock character sample

I thought instead of doing random drawings, I might create a series on me trying out to create a mini submission to various design/VFX/animation/illustration type roles. One of the things i have learnt from working is that it is important to work for a company whose values line up with your own. Otherwise, things can get complicated. While i don't have the skills yet to apply to these roles, Trying this out will probably help me in gauging how I will fare in the future.

Alliance Francaise is a non profit organisation that teaches French to prospective students. I have heard good things about this company. As such, i imagined myself animating a quick infomercial for them, using a character from their website (see first picture). What resulted was me seeing if i could "draw on model".

I made some personal changes to the character, (which is not a good idea in industry) as i felt it was more aesthetic, notably the hair being a shape in comparison to the hair being spaghetti. I feel a defining feature that is holding me back is my sketchy lines. While it allows me to "feel" out the drawing, the end result line work is diminished. I think i should experiment more with line quality.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Morrigan from darkstalkers - study

This is my attempt at doing some digital drawing/painting. There's a lot to critique on this one, so ill note it down for future reference. I'm not even going to talk about color as i don't know anything on the subject. 

1. The face is looking too planar, i need to learn more about rounding out the features, its too box like.
2. Hands i have no idea how to draw, I need more practice, this goes with feet as well.
3. If you saw the Work in Progress (which you will never see now), the left arm was in an impossible pose. Might be wise to get some reference before drawing out a pose.

There's plenty more to critique, but ill save myself the heartache and leave it at that. if anyone can lead me to some resources on color, that would be great. I've heard James Gurney's 'Color and Light' is pretty good. maybe ill give that a read.

Friday, December 20, 2019

G'day Everyone

Hi everyone,

Welcome to my blog.

I guess the point of starting this blog is to desensitise myself from showing my drawings to people, to get into a routine of drawing and to hopefully meet some nice people along the way. On top of this, I hope that by keeping up with drawing, I may get the skills to one day inspire others to go as far as they can in learning a skill they've always wanted to learn.


So, you might be asking, what level is my drawing experience? Well, to be honest, I started seriously learning to draw approximately 4 years ago. I'd picked up a book on rendering by JD Hillberry and created this after many laborious hours.

Looks pretty good right? But deep down, I knew the method I undertook was not real drawing (at least for my standards), not because of JD Hillberry's book, but because I have large gaps in my knowledge. 


Fast forward to now, I am getting ready to hit the books at Uni to attain a grad diploma in design and i am seriously underprepared.

I guess the start of this Blog will be my practice drawings of Bargue plates, (boring i know) but a necessary evil to get the observational skills required to continue developing my skills.