Welcome to my blog.
I guess the point of starting this blog is to desensitise myself from showing my drawings to people, to get into a routine of drawing and to hopefully meet some nice people along the way. On top of this, I hope that by keeping up with drawing, I may get the skills to one day inspire others to go as far as they can in learning a skill they've always wanted to learn.
So, you might be asking, what level is my drawing experience? Well, to be honest, I started seriously learning to draw approximately 4 years ago. I'd picked up a book on rendering by JD Hillberry and created this after many laborious hours.
Looks pretty good right? But deep down, I knew the method I undertook was not real drawing (at least for my standards), not because of JD Hillberry's book, but because I have large gaps in my knowledge.
Fast forward to now, I am getting ready to hit the books at Uni to attain a grad diploma in design and i am seriously underprepared.
I guess the start of this Blog will be my practice drawings of Bargue plates, (boring i know) but a necessary evil to get the observational skills required to continue developing my skills.
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